Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Xbox One X GPU allows 4K without compromise, more RAM allows the assets to load instantly

More RAM helps us hide art objects so they are instantly available if needed.

The Xbox One X is a really powerful machine - the terms "beast" and "the most powerful console ever made" have been used repeatedly to describe it, after all. But the numbers and specifications are accurate, the numbers and the specifications. If not without a wider context, then when we had the opportunity to talk to Chris Wilson, producer of Grinding Gear Games, who is currently working on Path of Exile (coming on Xbox One), we decided To ask him Extra The power of The material can mean for the games.

As far as the GPU is concerned, and what this can be for games and developers, Wilson said: "There are two types of benefits. The first is that games that run at 1080p can now run at 4K without compromise. The second is this extra graphic power Can be used for games to look even better than before. This is something we will look at over time with Path of Exile - pushing the limits of the hardware.

In truth, being able to execute 4K games in Provencal is a great advantage graphically, especially when one moves towards a push for 4K. However, that's not all, either - Wilson also discussed the higher RAM in the console, with 9 GB on 12 GB available and usable for games.

"More RAM helps us to cache art assets so that they are instantly available if needed," he said. "This is important when players decide to visit the areas they have visited recently, or if they enter an area that contains art goods that are shared with another they have been recent. Medium) has enough RAM for some domains to stay in memory, but the 9 GB available here push it a lot. "

It's hard not to agree with him, and it's hard not to agree with the statement that Xbox One X is really an excellent system, with an untapped power that could be extremely beneficial not only for The way the games look like but also on how they play. We can only hope that games that exploit their power and that they come out soon.

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