Saturday, December 10, 2016

Mass Effect Andromeda - developers talk about companion, release and more

Our colleagues of Eurogamer said productor Condominas director Fabrice and strategic Mac Walters Creativo mass effect: Andromeda, which is to appear next year. Still not a date more precisely is Festival, but to two GIFTS understanding Matriz, that each of the un's work pays the game day. Dignity also has also spoken the content and it cut Companion.

There is clear always for that to date no publication sobre mass effect: Andromeda, no reason for his concern for fans, with a Mac and Walters productor director Fabrice Gesprach but must recently known GIFTS Condominas Creativo en Eurogamer. "There is no reason and stands for to me believes his worried BioWare absolutely quality." That is aware of EQUIPO, quick as time passes"Fabrice Condominas en comparacion. "We have two days extra maybe once need?" We are 100 percent sure that a certification we submit that certain CAN date morir, to knowledgeable we become also an appointment. En us where we Meanwhile focusing morir quality, because each day is charged. so don't we want to put us under pressure "."

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No, the steam has not too many games

Every now and then another graph out the growing number of games on Steam. It is usually accompanied by a lot of moaning about space, quality control, and if we're really unlucky, mentions an Indiepocalypse. We are apparently drowned in an infinite ocean of shovelware and if we're very lucky the worst that will happen is...? I'm never sure, actually. Be forced to use a filter on the search of the steam function? Be exposed to titles that I would ever see? Get the same feel browsing lists of the new version, I used to get navigation grids to the electronic shop of back in the day? Apparently, it's a terrible thing.

The market for the sale of games has seen incredible has changed over the past 15 years. Independent developers have always been around but it didn't used to be as much and they last so close to the star it's incredible to see someone created anything. It took a little miracle of luck and just the right person on a game site carefully to get any attention at all and even then, the game can only get a buzz shortly before his death in the sea. People kept doing things, because that's what people do, but as a general rule, all information has been mostly found only on the site of the web developer and you had to bring a healthy dose of confidence to return the credit card details if you have decided to buy something.

How determine if she is worthy content or any size simply?

Retail has had its share of problems too, with the release of major publishers that dominates the shelves, leaving little room for the little ones. There were hundreds and hundreds of games to throw himself into the world, console and PC, and the level of quality has been all over the map. There are indie, shovelware and AAA of different levels of quality gems all the side-by-side and the only reason why games more dominate because they were the ones who pay for shelf space. Do you have any idea how hunting games, there used? Or the volume of clones of Wolfenstein there even after Doom had rewritten the FPS landscape? Don't even get me started on the Myst-alikes, mascot platformers and forget terrible fighting games. The total amount of securities may have been less but so was the number of people who buy them, and the quality level was about the same.

This is decades later and storage space is not a problem. The digital showcase is infinite and there are a lot more people buy, but PC sales are on Steam. Valve realized he had a problem a few years back, just to have a digital distribution platform that digital distribution platform. If a game has not got on Steam, it could also well be dead, with the exception of Minecraft. GOG,, Humble and other sites are all good places to pick up a new PC game, but large sales figures are on Steam. It is not a position that Valve has asked, but it's one the company was stuck with, so in recent years it has established ways to deal being involuntary Porter and the content of the PC. It started in 2012 with Greenlight and shortly after that the floodgates have been opened.

A strange is not all fact-classic since 2000, but how do we decide if it is worthy or just old?

Almost anyone with a computer decent semi can make a game of today. GameMaker, unit, unreal, and a number of other engines of pre-built are accessible easily and cheaply to the creators, rather than the previous days when you either had to reinvent the wheel with each new game, adapt an internal motor, if you worked in a bigger promoter, or purchase a license for an existing engine and nailing the game to adapt to its restrictions. Barriers to creation are still quite large, but at least they are affordable rather than the mind-numbingly dreadful. The result is that there are a lot more projects underway, and most end up on Steam.

According to a vocal part of the community, the amount of games is a problem. The view, it seems that there is a torrent of crap that strangle the system of in, degrading the steam and it is impossible to find quality games the system was known for. Bad Rats, it should be noted, was released in 2009. There has always been bad games and they have always shown, but now all the volume is turned to eleven.

Mobile ports darn pesky, cluttering up the purity of the game on PC!

Even with all that, however, there is no GLUT, no Indiepocalypse, no rush self-destructive to flood the sacred rooms of steam with waste more than a service could hold ever maybe. Here's the important thing about steam - it is not perfect, never been, is not supposed to be, and never become like that. This is a showcase game where a developer if she wants any kind of success, should be, and Valve acknowledges. The company has provided filter options, make major updates of detectability and users a number of tools to find what they want. Cut things to a manageable level that corresponds to the user's interests should not be particularly difficult.

Still, for the sake of argument, lets talk about what could go. Personally I can't stand visual novels, Tower Defence and sports games, so with the lot of them. One of the styles constantly griped about is that what anyone using the 'retro' art, in order to get rid of everything looking like that. A lot of people can't stand indie games, believing that if she doesn't have a Publisher (EA, XSEED, anyone) then he has no business being on the service, let thus kills them too. Anything with the word "Simulator" in the title? In the trash it goes. A bit more basic filtering and we have a store front that eventually removed all the theoretical, that everyone wanted gone, although all this is obtained out there is the games of valve-published and Grand Theft Auto V.

Of course, we gave it a 4.5 out of 5 on the exam and that he sits on page 2 of the list of best sellers, but look at that old style of pixel. Could not be less Steam-worthy if he tried.

Steam is not all things to everyone. This isn't the purpose of a store or a retail portal. Go to any retailer on the planet to sell any product you care to mention, filter the things you don't personally care, and the remaining percentage will be roughly similar to what is on Steam. Role of the steam in the game on PC has evolved over the years and Valve is trying to meet the challenge, a little slowly and with the fake casual not along the way (why is not yet dead Greenlight?, but improving at a steady pace.) It's not perfect, but getting better and close the doors to an arbitrary but huge games amount do not help anyone. Yes, very well, about 40 percent of the games on Steam have been released in 2016, but for what? In 2007, the increase was nearly 60%, from 77 to 189.

These numbers are not important, but. What is important is that people have the tools to create, sometimes poised to amazing things, sometimes including less surprising, but it is not work of steam to tell people what to like. Steam turned on the market of the first game and his job is to allow access to the games, and if people do much then Steam will focus as much as possible. Both variants are bad and worse - either steam rejects games based on the standards making the developers and disgruntled consumers almost unanimously or stop people from creating things. Neither is happening anytime soon, so maybe it is better to focus on the things that we can enjoy and not worry too much, even if you filtered every thing that is unresponsive to your liking because of genre or just be bad, there are even more fantastic games you will could never play in a life.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Strong decline in retail sales

According to current figures from the NPD Group, Call of Duty: Infiinite Warfare suffers a sharp drop in retail sales in the US. Compare to the predecessor Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, the latest offshoot of the popular Shooter series sold around 50 percent worse. What exactly the figures testify, you learn in this message.

The NPD Group has released new figures and data showing that Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, the latest offshoot of publisher Activision's popular shooter franchise, currently sells badly. The speech is a decline of 50 percent when selling physical copies of the game in the United States of America. As a comparison, the sales of the predecessor Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 were consulted in November of last year 2015.

This steep drop, which is documented by the data of the NPD Group, is, as reported, also in line with the data from the German market research institute GfK. A British analyst is also said to have noted that the Call of Duty franchise has been falling for 48% in the first few weeks after the release of a new game. A further anonymous source is said to have CNBC also indicated that the general sales of Call of Duty titles each year a decrease of 51 percent.

The enormous decline of 50 percent of sales could pose a serious problem for Publisher Activision. The first implications are already showing a loss of 20 percent on the shares of Activision Blizzard. Brian Nowak, an analyst of Morgan Stanley, predicted a decline in sales for the Call of Duty games of 10 percent. No good prospects for a game brand, which can be described almost as historical.

Now to you: What do you think about the latest Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare? Have you bought it or have it still before? Or does Call of Duty not play an important role for you anymore? If so, tell us why. Use the comment function below these lines and let the community and us participate in your opinion on the topic! More interesting news, useful infos, screenshots and videos about Call of Duty:

Indie Devs begins to reveal their games for the Nintendo Switch

Nintendo and independent developers work together? That's something totally new, and nice too

The Nintendo switch is building the hype especially after the video reveals weeks ago. Just this week, he added more hype as he guested for Jimmy Fallon with the switch's ability to execute The Legend of Zelda: Breath of Nature. Following the trend, the Indies are beginning to emerge from hiding and gradually show their initial results for the Hybrid Console-Handheld.

First - an exclusive Nintendo Switch game called Seasons of Heaven has been announced to launch next year. The action-adventure game is developed by Any Arts Production, based on a comic series by Nicolas Augusto. The information is taken from a French website: Gameblog, saying that the title will feature a boy named Yann. This child has Asperger syndrome and has a French Ani bulldog. Within the game, it is possible to change characters and each has different game sequences. The title is currently running on Unreal Engine 4.

It is important to keep in mind that the website is posted in French so some details may be missing. To investigate further, you can visit the link provided in the previous paragraph.
Second - The Sacred Hero will also be announced for the Nintendo Switch. This indie game is made by developer Simplicity. The official teaser trailer can be seen in the images posted below this article.
As of this writing, not much is known about the second title, The Sacred Hero, but judging by its trailer it looks quite like a Zelda game. The sword stuck on a stone inside a cave and the lush green forest sprinkled in sunlight, gives it away as a game of Zelda-ish. The Sacred Hero will not be a Nintendo Switch exclusive, however, since it is scheduled to shoot for PC also next year.
How did Nintendo get independent developers?

Back years and years back, Nintendo had a not-so-good relationship with independent developers, and Microsoft and Sony were treating the same group better. Fast forward to a few years, reports say that this has already been repaired and is getting better and better, burying the ax and move on, with better terms.

This year, Nintendo made up for the past by proposing better support for independent developers. Thru Nindie (a combination of Nintendo and Indie) Summer Jam, independent developers were in a gift as sales and launching programs were offered for Nintendo eShop, highlighting different indie games in the scheduled periods.

A report also says that Nintendo wants to announce what it can do for small independent developers and at the same time bring as many users of the console to their side as possible.
With this new effort, independent developers will have an edge when they introduce themselves to Nintendo and its market, a wonderful tactic to fight Microsoft and Sony platforms. This would put Nintendo behind in the game industry race.

With all of the previous paragraphs arranged together, it is clear that Nintendo and the community of independent developers continue to have close ties as indie games are entering the Nintendo Switch. 2017 will be a good year for Nintendo.

You can play steam games with PSVR, although unofficial

If you are looking to get a suitable VR headset, PSVR is probably the best value for money. By all accounts, Sony headphones is one of the most comfortable, too. Well, now you can use one to play with your Steam library, thanks to an unofficial controller and a little solution.

If you want, simply go to TrinusVR, a website dedicated to people connecting to their Steam games through any form of VR, using their mobile phone or whatever, and download the software.

From there, just download the unofficial VR driver and follow the setup instructions. Pop up the screen settings and set up expanded displays, so your PC will go out to the headset, wire it up and configure the VR steam control for head tracking.

This is a video that speaks to you through the process:

Like the way the DualShock 4 had unofficial support for centuries, Sony probably shrugs, since it means it will potentially expand its audience. Or, they could go the PlayStation Now route and streamline official support.

Support may come later, but for now the device will not work with Oculus Touch controllers or Live controllers, so you'll have to play with a pad. Use a DualShock 4 if you have one. Currently only runs at 60hz, too, although that could also be addressed in an update.

Friday, December 9, 2016

MSI shows its new Base Plates for the new INTEL

MSI heats engines by showcasing new motherboards for Intel's new architecture

As we all know, Intel is preparing its new desktop processors with the new Kaby Lake architecture. With the processors about to launch Intel, MSI as other brands are preparing their new motherboards that advanced on their Facebook page.

The company MSI has presented through two photos its upcoming models, the Z270 SLI and Z270 SLI Plus. The new models feature part of the company's high-end, which are primarily intended for user players. The photos that have been presented are obscured without being able to appreciate their colors, but you can see the front of the motherboard.

One of the motherboards will have PCI Express slot that are reinforced in steel. Of course, new motherboards will have the new MSI patent consisting of aluminum plates to dissipate the heat of SSD hard drives with M.2 connectors.

It appears that it will also include the motherboards that the company has shown the following features.

  • Compatibility with DDR4 RAM
  • Includes 6 Sata 3 ports
  • Two USB 3.0 connectors on the front
  • 3 PCI-e 3.0 Slots (x16 / x8 / x8)

The top range of the MSI company is usually priced around $ 200, not yet official but probably what we find in stores. Also in this range there are two models, you have to see what price will have the top range that we can deduce that will be around 300 $.

At the moment, it is the only filtration of the new motherboards that are looming for this new Intel technology. In the coming months we will find a multitude of brands that will launch their products for this architecture, only waiting to be the champion in this assault.

PC Report Card 2016

Major games stumbled, but the acclaimed franchises returned and new hardware-enabled users

PC gamers had a lot to be happy about in 2016. New high-performance hardware gave players even more power for their dollar. Those who could afford it finally had the opportunity to immerse themselves in virtual reality in a game play.

Some of the most beloved franchises that took us to the depths of hell, through alternative histories with cultural icons and around the world to defend themselves against the aliens, made exceptional returns in 2016. The games of strategy nuanced and frenzied shooters in first Person of the year They are home to the PC, where the keyboard and mouse give players full control of their games.

2016 did not come without fail, however. Performance issues hampered the enjoyment of important releases. Developers have been mainly at the top of the solution to these problems, but players who buy at launch were often put in the precarious position of expecting an optimized product.

Regardless, PC games had an incredible year that moved the platform forward.

PC games at their best

While Overwatch succeeded on consoles, it is safe to say that their real home is on the PC, becoming the competitive competitor based on the shooting team alongside the still-strong Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Overwatch brought to light an intricate, class-based system that interwoven with each character's design. Blizzard continues to keep the game fresh after the release with constant updates and new features like two new characters, a new map and seasonal content.

World of Warcraft (WoW), perhaps the most influential MMORPG of all time, received an expansion pack that many longtime fans considered a welcome addition to the legacy of the game. It sold more than three million copies on its first day resulting in the largest number of simultaneous WoW players since 2010. Star Wars: The Old Republic had an expansion - Knight of the Eternal Throne. The Elder Scrolls Online made significant changes to the game with the One Tamriel update. And Square Enix announced another expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, subtitled Stormblood.

Civilization 6 iterated in the tried and true formula Sid Meier and Firaxis established years ago. He refined game elements such as diplomacy and research trees, and tight mechanics gave players new strategic opportunities.

Speaking of Firaxis, XCOM's leading designer, Jake Solomon, and the company relied on the recent resurgence of the franchise, with XCOM 2 challenging players, making them face adversity to facilitate growth in the strategic game. Although finally released on consoles, managing units in battle and navigating the dense interface makes XCOM 2 a PC game at its core.

After a development roller coaster and suspect multiplayer beta, it was difficult to predict Doom as a Game of the Year contender. But id Software brought PC gamers back to what made Iconic Doom; Wild, fast first-person shooting and fantastically gloomy set pieces.

Beautifully designed stand-alone games made strong statements. Owlboy showed how retro images can go beyond novelty. Cowboy quadrilateral made players feel like a true hacker teaching them how to code to manipulate their environment. Stardew Valley brought back the farm simulation game experience from Harvest Moon. The Witness tested our puzzle solving skills like no other game.

The real-time strategy genre had outstanding games this year, too. Offworld Trading Company made players rethink the strategy by taking accelerated economic decisions as the crux of the game, while Total War: Warhammer merged two established franchises to create a cohesive and deep strategy game.

Let’s Play ‘Good Port, Bad Port’

Due to the latest poorly optimized releases, PC gamers are becoming increasingly cautious about the performance and stability of multiplatform games. Fortunately, we did not have a colossal clutter in the scale of the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight of 2015, but there were cases of mediocre performance in high-profile games at launch.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided and Dishonored 2 were two welcome entries into the lineage of classic first-person action games, but both suffered performance problems outside the door. Dishonored 2 had several inexplicable drops of the frame, which is being directed by a series of patches. Mafia 3 was launched with a locked framerate of 30 frames per second, which was quickly resolved. Regardless of what they think of No Man's Sky, its stability at launch was well below expectations.

However, there has been a recent trend of developers running post-release support, which is evident with games like Rainbow Six Siege and The Division. It's a reason to be optimistic about long-term support in modern games.

Significant steps in PC hardware

The level of performance of PC players leaving hardware is better than ever. It is the most profitable time to be a PC player. Nvidia launched its GTX 10 series of video cards that gave users the best performance to date. The GTX 1070 is hailed as the best mid-high-end card, capable of putting decent 4K resolution framerates in several modern games. It floated around the $ 400 price range, but surpassed the strongest card of the previous generation, the Titan X which sold around $ 1000 when it launched in 2015.

The GTX 1060 and 1050 Ti are impressive mid-range cards that will deliver high visual quality and solid 1080p frames in the latest versions. AMD remained relevant in the mid-range market with the Radeon RX 480 and RX 470, giving Nvidia a run for its money and better performance in certain games.

Load times still hinder gameplay experiences unless you are reading and writing data from a solid-state drive. SSD prices continued to trend downward in 2016, which made these fast storage units more accessible. M.2 NVMe SSDs made a splash this year with Samsung's 960 Evo and Pro. These drives are capable of reading and writing speeds of three to five times faster traditional SSDs.

Sony released the PS4 Pro and Microsoft announced the Xbox Scorpio, both touted as 4K gaming machines. Although early in its lifecycle, the PS4 Pro is struggling to deliver meaningful visual enhancements. The PC hardware released this year proved to be capable of stable performance of 4K in modern games. Of course, the price difference between a high performance PC and a PS4 Pro is drastic, but if players want a 4K experience, they can have it with the correct specification. PC hardware will be able to keep as 4K inches shows closer to becoming the standard, consumers just have to be willing to pay the higher price, however.

Virtual reality lives on the PC

The platforms HTC Vive and Oculus Rift were released to the public this year. It is the first time consumers have access to VR as a gaming platform in an era in which we have the power of computing. While the PlayStation VR reduces the entry barrier for VR, Vive and Rift offers a more refined experience.

The HTC Live gave him hands in the virtual space with his two controllers. Its headlamp tracking system is able to recognize movement at a precise level and have the potential for room-scale experiences. The Oculus Rift lagged behind only offering gamepad controls until December with Oculus Touch. Touch controls helped push the Rift to become a more complete VR platform.

The game library is still in its early stages, but there are examples of the potential of RV. There is an intuitive nature to collect objects, looking around your environment and firing weapons at the shooters. There are lively social interactions as seen in games like Rec Room, Dead & Buried, and Toy Box. Tools like Kingspray, Oculus Medium and Tiltbrush show precision and creativity in a way that is only possible with VR. Thumper exemplifies the immersion and transcends his traditional experience.

However, strong pricing is the most important factor to consider with VR. Live released at $ 800, the Rift at $ 600 (add another $ 200 for touch controllers). That does not take into account the powerful PC required to run VR games. A 3-series Intel i5 CPU and a GTX 970 or RX 480 video card will suffice, but when made up of the VR price, it becomes expensive.

Whether or not you are a believer in the future of VR, you can not deny that 2016 was a significant step for the concept to fully realize its potential.

PC progress to the living room is at a stalemate

The PC players themselves did not lose anything with the steam engines falling flat. Instead, what we learned was that SteamOS is still a work in progress and the PC-living room market is still limited.

Microsoft will continue to dominate PC operating systems in the foreseeable future and a unification between its console and the PC platform is a simplified view for games. With cross-buy implementation between the Xbox and Windows 10 games and Project Scorpio's announcement, it looks like Microsoft is aiming to take over the role that the steam engines were trying to fill.

The Windows 10 store is not the most intuitive system, and at the moment lacks a formidable library. It has no chance of competing with Steam, but it's good to know that Microsoft's main release will hit the PC. Nor is it unlikely to think that Microsoft is relegating to Xbox to be a closed-system version of a gaming PC.

Sony's PlayStation service made a startling appearance on the PC this year. It is a subscription-based service that allows users to stream PS3 games to their device. While it is exciting to see this progress made, PS Now only offers a limited library of games from a generation ago, some of which already have superior PC versions. However, it sets a precedent and PC gamers have the option of playing games like the Uncharted series and The Last of Us.

Other Highlights:

Mods have been and always will be a significant part of PC games. XCOM 2 received some extravagant mods, and Fallout 4 of 2015 continued to increase its library of mods. Fallout: The Frontier, a complete conversion mod from New Vegas, released a new trailer this year and showed promise of a unique Fallout experience. And with the release of Skyrim: Special Edition, the modding mania behind Skyrim has been revitalized.

Established EVGA hardware manufacturer had a bit of a merge. Their GTX 1080, 1070 and 1060 video cards were susceptible to overheating, causing a fire in users' systems. It has been remedied by an update of the VBIOS, preventing the hardware from operating at extremely high temperatures.

Vulkan launched in 2016, a low-profile graphics API in the spirit of OpenGL. Announced under CPU usage to boost performance. Some games already have the support of Vulkan, like Doom, DOTA 2 and The Talos Principle.

The GNU / Linux operating system is gaining more support than ever from high profile games: Street Fighter V, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Total War: Warhammer and XCOM 2 to name a few.


The highs topped the lows in 2016. The franchises with a strong PC heritage made exceptional appearances, independent developers continued to make significant games, the strategy genre was rejuvenated and VR is showing promise. If we are evaluating the PC as a gaming platform, it is easy to praise it this year.

We should also expect more in terms of stability and performance in our games. These problems are transferred from year to year, and unless developers push for better optimization, problems will persist.

Despite everything, it was a great year for PC games and the future is bright for the platform.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Best gaming monitor

Finding the best gaming monitor has long been a fixture of mine; There are so many different panel technologies and screen types that it can be difficult to know what the right computer screen is for you. It's well worth doing your homework because although without the best gaming monitor no matter what graphics card you are swinging, your games will look crap. But do not worry, we've chosen the best game monitors, in a variety of categories, to help you make your choice as easy as possible.

There are some questions you need to ask yourself first. Do you favor image quality over lightning pixel fast response? Or are you in the world of pro-gaming, competitor of esports and craves super-high TN technology monitor refresh rates rather than a quality panel? Do you want a traditional 16: 9 screen or have you been seduced by the ultra-scenic beauty of a 21: 9 aspect ratio? Or does it absolutely, positively have to be 4K?

So many questions ... But the fact that there are so many different options of computer monitor these days is as welcome as it can be disconcerting. For too long we have been severely limited in our choice of game screen - previously we have only picked up a large screen, with a high native resolution, as our bank accounts could cope. The technology simply did not move as fast as the rapid iteration that followed almost every component of our gaming PCs.

But as technical options have grown it is now more difficult to know which is the best game monitor at the moment. So we've put together our favorite screens together to give you a definitive selection of the best panels around a selection of a few different categories.

Best gaming monitor

Asus ROG Swift PG279Q

Approximately: $ 839 / £ 700.

It can be horribly expensive for a 14-inch 1440p monitor, but the Asus Republic of PG279Q players is balancing absolutely the best game panel ever made.

A few years ago, when the original Asus Swift first appeared on my desktop, with its 144Hz refresh rate and Nvidia G-Sync chops, I have to admit that it actually feels a bit discouraged. Of course, the smooth resolution of 1440p was impressive on the desktop, and Nvidia's frame synchronization technology removed the vibration that I did not even know was bothering me in the game, but it was still running on a TN panel. And not even the improved TN panels that accompanied the first download of affordable 4K monitors either.

That's a similar situation to the one I encounter with the latest ROG Swift PG248Q and Zowie XL2735, although they are at least geared towards super fast update rates and response times for competitive gaming as the raison d'être for their TN inclinations. A fast refresh rate may be great, but when asked to spend almost the same amount of money on a TN panel as it is for this excellent - and still fast - IPS display there is really no competition.

The biggest change with the current-gen 27-inch Swift from the original is this impressive IPS-type panel and the difference is huge. It is not strictly speaking of a monitor in the switching plane (IPS), which is due to brand restrictions not the technical limitations. The Optronics AU panel that Asus has used is called Advanced Hyper Angle View (AHVA) display, but for all intents and purposes, performs exactly the same as an IPS made by LG.

Which means it looks absolutely gorgeous. Clarity is excellent, colors are vibrant and accurate, white levels are typically impressive for an IPS display and really impressive black reproduction.

But it's not just the panel that separates it from the rest - especially considering that the also awesome Acer Predator XB271HU uses the same AUO display - the slim bezel frames the monitor beautifully, the stand is solid and controls, via joystick Five-way, are the best you can find in today's monitors.

It is also a clock slightly higher than its Swift brothers too, reaching a maximum refresh rate of 165Hz and, before saying anything, can really tell the difference between 144Hz and 165Hz at a glance. And the PG279Q continues to run G-Sync as well.

So while you can baulk in price, 1440p resolution means you can hit fast game speeds with a variety of graphics cards at different price points, and you will not find such a beautifully calibrated game panel This side of a Dell $ 5,000 OLED.

Best gaming monitor runner-up

Acer Predator XB271HU

Approximately: $ 991 / £ 750.

Unless you have this Acer Predator sitting side by side with the Asus Swift PG279Q you would be hard pushed to find any difference in image quality between them. That is perhaps not much of a surprise given that they use the same AU Optronics panel. The Asus however has been better set out of the box, its stand and surrounds are nicer and try as I might. I could not get the Acer screen to look as good as the Asus. That said, if you can find the Acer significantly cheaper than the Asus, you still have a beautiful monitor for the game.

The best 4K monitor

LG 27UD68P

Approximately: $ 550 / £ 391.

If you were looking for an affordable 4K monitor until recently that meant opting for a TN panel. 4K IPS panels were thin on the ground and super-expensive. Things have changed however and this stunning-affordable 27-inch LG is a great 4K monitor at a great price. And, thanks to the recent price cuts, LG 27-incher is now even more affordable.

It uses LG's proprietary IPS technology to deliver the exceptional color rendering expected of that panel technology, combining it with excellent contrast levels. Even more impressive is the fact that its contrast performance does not lead to the weaker black levels we've come to expect from a large number of IPS displays. The image that the LG 27UD68P produces is excellent and with the large amount of pixels at its disposal are pin-sharp and crystal clear.

There is, of course, the question that 27 inches feels a bit small for a 4K display. You can use the Windows scale to increase the size of the text and icons, but I am left with the confusion you can enter. For me, it seems counterintuitive to buy a monitor with such a high resolution and immediately nerf its clarity. But, for the money, the LG is still able to offer a great 4K experience.

The other advantage is that it supports AMD's FreeSync frame synchronization technology. That lets you cut the vibration you get in the game with VSync - by using AMD compatible cards - and creates a beautifully smooth game world for everything you play in it. You will need a powerful (or actually two) graphics card if you want to play on the native screen resolution, however, which is why I still can not honestly recommend a 4K monitor as the absolute best game display.

The LG 27UD68P is also a pretty smart device. The curved bracket allows a full range of monitor adjustment and the borderless bevel makes for a very thin environment for your games as well. There's nothing to distract your eye from Overwatch's accelerating action here.

There are some exciting options on the horizon, with Philips set to launch a new curved 40-inch 4K monitor at the same price as its 32-inch offers, but at this price now, the LG is my choice for the best 4K monitor Around Right now. You can, of course, pay thousands of dollars for a high end option, but only those with very deep pockets can go down that route.

Best monitor of 4K runner-up

Philips Brilliance BDM3275UP

Approximately: $ 1,120 / £ 850.

For some reason, the 32-inch Philips is difficult to locate in the United States for a non-insane price. There is availability on Amazon, but for about ten times more than it's worth. Which is a shame, as this 10-bit IPS monitor makes it a good monitor for 4K games and in the UK it is available for a decent price also outside Amazon. Due to its 32 inches running without the Windows Scale options it is fine and that additional scale actually shows 4K game fidelity. It does not have a screen as good as the LG, so I still get my vote despite its smaller size.

Best Ultra Wide Monitor

Asus ROG Swift PG348Q

Approximately: $ 1,100 / £ 990.

The Asus ROG Swift from G-Sync-toting, with its 100Hz refresh rate and typically bright Asus monitor controls, is now our choice for the best ultrawide gaming monitor you can buy. It is still very expensive, but with its recent price declines and sales prices it is competitive with the best of the rest of the 34-inch brigade.

The slight additional price premium is easier to justify now, despite the Acer screen then using the same panel exactly without the extra 25Hz speed and Nvidia silicon sync frame. The stunning Asus PG348Q will not disappoint you, especially if you're a GeForce player looking for the G-Sync fix.

There is a slight curve in the 3440 x 1440 IPS panel and, combined with that 21: 9 extreme aspect ratio, makes it one of the most immersive game monitors you can buy right now. Given the choice I find it really difficult to decide between this and the excellent Asus ROG PG279Q as my absolute favorite, but the higher 16: 9 screen refresh rate just gives me the edge for me. Alone.

Although it has to be said, the new Samsung Ultrawide curved CF791 monitors look absolutely beautiful with their Quantum Dot filter that boosts their range of colors and GSync versions on the road next year ... There is another competition that comes to shake the Things though, with LG Offering the largest ultrawide screen ever released to the consumer market - a 38-inch 21: 9 curved monitor with a native resolution of 3800 x 1600.

Best ultra-wide runner-up

Acer Predator XR341CK

Approximately: $ 883 / £ 944.

The Acer Predator was once our favorite ultrawide monitor due to the fact that it gave us almost as good an image as the beautiful Asus ROG panel, but at a much lower price. Image quality is still there, but the price differential is not. Now they are so close to price I would have to say that the Asus is the one to go. The Acer XR341CK is still a large screen with a 75Hz upgrade and a beautiful IPS, 3440 x 1440 panel, but it is the price of the ticket should come down. Be careful with the Acer XR342CK however I recently had the opportunity to check it out and there is something fuzzy going on with your screen - not all predators are the same ..

Best budget monitor

BenQ GW2270H

Approximately: $ 105 / £ 81.

You can get some seriously cheap 1080p monitors these days, but our recommendation would be that you absolutely must steer clear of anything labeled as a twisted nerve panel (TN). It is the cheapest screen technology to manufacture, but it also massively sacrifices image quality over other options. This BenQ GW2270H is one of the best high definition screens, not TN, Full HD that you will find and is able to present an impressive image as well.

The compromise here (there must always be one in the budget area) is the BenQ is a tiny 21.5 inches across the diagonal. However, the trade off is that you get a decent vertical alignment panel (VA), best after a bona fide IPS screen. Color reproduction is not as vibrant as the more expensive technology but it has much greater clarity and depth than you will get even with the best TN monitors without any of the wash looks that ruin that cheapest screen technology.

Because it's only 21.5 inches of native 1080p resolution gives you a nice and tight pixel tone, almost on par with the likes of a 14-inch 1440p monitor. You will have to do a little fiddling with the settings of the box to get the best picture. The low contrast level is a little flattened, which will make it difficult to distinguish details in darker scenes, but a small adjustment of the RGB range in the graphics drivers can alleviate many of the problems.

So while the BenQ GW2270H is not going to turn on the world of video games, and will never produce the image quality you get from the highest screens we've seen, for the money is a fantastic monitor li'l.

Best budget monitor runner-up

AOC i2369v

Approximately: $ 110 / £ 120.

If you want to pay a little more you can get up to the IPS level, and increase the real estate screen as well. The AOC uses a 1080p and 6-bit IPS panel and has a slightly longer response time and a wider pixel pitch than BenQ, but you get more color vitality. The AOC controls can be a bit scaly, and they do not give you much room to move when it comes to making your own adjustments, but this is as cheap as an IPS screen you will find.

How to Buy a Game Monitor

When it comes to choosing a new gaming monitor everything is about your graphics card, or maybe your next graphics card. If you are looking to upgrade your old graphics card to something like the new Nvidia GTX 1050 there is no point in dropping a load of cash on a costly 1440p or 4K monitor.

Likewise, if you have spent much of a graphics card like the $ 1,200 GTX Titan X, a 10-inch 10-inch panel will not let your new and funky GPU shine. Although if you are looking to upgrade your PC hardware at the same time, or soon after buying your monitor, it pays to think ahead of time what your next GPU purchase will be able to.

The key here is to make sure you are able to play the native resolution of your monitor. Since switching to flat panel display technology monitors are no longer able to choose and choose their resolution, and if they operate below the native resolution of a screen they end up with slightly fuzzy, indistinct images. This is why, if you are not blessed with a super high-end GPU, it probably is not worth the while to step up to a 4K monitor yet. Sure, you can reduce your in-game setup so your system actually works at 1080p or 1440p, but you're losing the fidelity you'd get when running natively on a 4K monitor.

Bigger is better, but not always ...

If you are thinking of upgrading to a 4K screen, then absolutely go for a screen size as large as you can afford. My best 4K experience was with an old 40 inch VA panel, now discontinued. He used a screen pulled directly from one of his 4K TVs and the real estate screen meant that, at the native resolution of 3840 x 2160, he is getting a pixel tone (the physical size of the individual points that make up an image) that It's not that different from a 14-inch 1440p panel. Philips is bringing a curved 40-inch 4K monitor to the party soon, and that curve could make a big difference on such a large desktop monitor.

The first 4K monitor I used for long-term testing was a 24-inch Dell. Despite having an absolutely impressive IPS panel, with beautiful colors and incredible clarity, running at 4K was almost impossible to read anything. And then the Windows escalation was atrocious, not just generally bad, as it is today.

On the flipside however, going for a large screen with a low native resolution can also lead to blurry ol 'images as well. With a 27-inch 1080p screen, the pitch of the pixels ends up being quite large, losing the freshness of a more balanced panel. As in all parts of PC hardware, it is a balancing act.

Technology panel

Choosing the right display screen technology comes at a scaled price scale. The more powerful the technology panel, the harder it is to produce and the more these costs are passed on to the consumer. In this world of dark acronyms, what do the different options offer?

Nematic Twisted (TN)

TN panels are the cheapest type of screen technology you will find these days and, for the most part, shown. Monitors using TN suffer from poor viewing angles (leading to a strange coloration if they are not sitting directly in front), poor color reproduction across the board, and a washed general appearance. The latest TN screens that came with the first affordable 4K screens were much better, but still not a patch on the more expensive panel technologies. We have started to see the electronic-centered game screens that are producing Zowie and Asus, who deliberately use TN panels for their monitors because of their high refresh rates and super fast response times.

Vertical Alignment (VA)

This is the next step up, and is actually an advance over TN. You get much better colors and the viewing angles are excellent too, VA panels also usually offer the best black levels too, even on the IPS screens.

Quantum Dot (QD)

The technology sponsored by Samsung does not offer a different type of panel. Quantum Dot monitors continue to be LCD backlit LED displays, but use a new type of filter that improves the color depth of the screen. That gives them a wider color gamut with the latest Samsung QD monitors that offer 125% of the sRGB color space. Currently QD only applies to VA panels, but that allows them to have stunning blacks and better color accuracy than other IPS displays.

On the Switching Plane (IPS)

Up to LG and Samsung actually find a way to manufacture OLED screens in an affordable IPS panels are going to be the top of the tree technology monitor. They offer the best colors and excellent levels of contrast also, although they can suffer from a weaker black reproduction. As a technology made by LG, they own the IPS brand, which has meant that Samsung and later, AU Optronics (two of the other large screen manufacturers) have had to create their own IPS technology, PLS and Advanced Hyper Angle View (AHVA), respectively. But all three essentially offer the same thing.

Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED)

This is the absolute pinnacle of visualization technology and the Holy Grail for the future of game monitors. Although it is a long way from being in any affordable way. OLED TVs have become much cheaper, but we keep talking for thousands here. The most important thing about OLED is that it is an automatic emission technology - each individual pixel is its own light source. This means that OLED screens do not need LED backlighting. And that in turn means unmatched contrast levels and true blacks, not just darker shades of gray. OLED screens should also have incredible quick response times too, which potentially makes them the best choice for games.

Refresh rates

The update frequency is the number of times per second that the monitor will update the image that appears on the screen. So at 60Hz you get a new image 60 times every second. That sounds like a lot, so can you really see the difference between 60Hz and 144Hz at a glance? The answer is an unequivocal yes. In fact, you can detect even small increases in refresh rate - a 75Hz screen is noticeably softer than a 60Hz option, so a 165Hz or 200Hz panel is as soft as a kitten with a smoking jacket. velvet.

G-Sync or FreeSync?

I did not even register the little judder using VSync to introduce its gaming experience, until Nvidia's G-Sync removed it; I had grown accustomed to that. However, VSync has been a necessary evil, reducing the tear you get when the monitor refresh rate is trying to keep up with the frames spewing out the GPU.

Frame synchronization technologies, such as G-Sync and FreeSync, allow the GPU to communicate directly with the screen and only deliver a full frame to the screen when ready to display it to the viewer. That results in scratch scratch and none of the shaking that would otherwise get using VSync. And it creates a very smooth gaming experience too, one that is difficult to readjust if you switch to a monitor without that support.

G-Sync is exclusive to Nvidia, and is also the most expensive option as it involves a bit of Nvidia silicon license that is added to the electronics of a monitor. AMD FreeSync on the other hand is linked to the Adaptive Sync feature of DisplayPort 1.2a so you only need the monitor to be compatible with later specs. Both require a DisplayPort connection to work.

New AMD Radeon GPUs Polaris 10 XT2 and Polaris 12 Appear on Mac Drivers

An eagle-eyed Mac Mac in the forums tonymacx86 has discovered some interesting new log entries in the 9500controller software.

A quality GPU needs a good display. Check out our selection of the best game monitors around today.

It's a busy time for AMD, especially on the graphics side of things. Today we look forward to seeing the launch of its new Radeon Crimson ReLive software, with a dedicated game capture tool built into the drivers, as well as a host of other performance improvements and new features. And things seem to be even busier as the discovery clues based on OSX.

Inside the 9500controller driver software, a forum user has discovered registry entries for a couple of new AMD GPUs. The Polaris 10, 11 and Vega 10 GPUs we already knew, but the Polaris 10 XT2 and Polaris 12 chips are new to us. Now either Mob Jobs are getting their own custom Radeon chips or AMD is ready to go big on their next generation of graphics cards in the new year through the board.

For me, this sounds like a new RX 500 series of AMD Radeon graphics cards appearing relatively soon. We already knew that the architecture of the Vega 10 GPU is scheduled to arrive in the first half of 2017, but this information paints an image of a range of cards covering both Polaris and Vega architectures. Something we have long suspected ...

The Polaris 10 XT2 naming scheme follows AMD's tradition of upgrading older GPUs for newer GPUs, last seen with the Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition and the R9 280X with the Tahiti XT2 upgrade to the Tahiti XT chip. It is not unreasonable, then, to expect the RX 580 to come with a Polaris 10 XT2 GPU with the RX 590 swinging the Vega 10 silicon. Where does the Polaris 12 come from? Well, that could be a direct replacement for the low-end Polaris 11 GPU on the next generation of Radeon cards.

It is increasingly likely that the long-awaited AMD RX 490 will never happen and will move directly to the RX 500 series of cards.

Assassin's Creed III and other major titles are now available for free download on PC, for a limited time

Assassin Creed III is the latest game that Ubisoft is giving away through the promotion. To honor the 30th anniversary of Ubisoft, the Ubisoft club offers seven digital PC games for free. The previous games that Ubisoft gave this year are Prince of Persia: the time arena in June, the splinter cell in July, Rayman Origins in August, The crew in September, Beyond good and evil in October and Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon November.

The Assassin's Creed III game will be free for this month, and you can grab it from Ubisoft Club, just create an account, or you can log in to the member's account. Ubisoft '30 Days of Giveaways' ends on December 23rd, it seems like a safe bet that you should take Assassin's Creed III before December 23rd.

Assassin's Creed III is an action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Xbox 360.

Wii U, PlayStation 3 and Microsoft Windows. It is the fifth version of the Assassin Creed series and a sequel to Assassin's Creed 2011: Revelations. The game was released worldwide for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in North America on October 30, 2012.

Assassin's Creed III is set in an open world and presented from a third-person perspective with a focus on using Desmond and Connor's combat. Connor can freely explore eighteenth-century Boston, New York City and the American suburbs to complete side missions far from the main argument. The game also features a multiplayer component, which allows players to compete online as single and team based targets, including assassinations and evading pursuers. The game received a positive review from the experts, who praised him for his diverse cast of character, playability, visuals and narrative. Assassin's creed3 was a massive commercial success, selling more than 12 million copies worldwide. Ubisoft developed a new game engine, Anvil Next, for the game.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Top 5 Best PC Gaming Keyboards

PC games are not in the way of console games stepping, but it is in the middle of a rebirth. The fastest processors available at lower prices have made building a gaming PC a semi-affordable option for many. NVIDIA graphics cards continue to outperform each year. The Valve Steam shop is equipped as never before. Even Microsoft has contributed to the fortune of converting PC games, delivering a free upgrade of Windows 10 that fills the functionality of Xbox Live and support to play some games of Xbox with the owners of its Xbox One. With interest in the construction of the Latest PC game in a historic high, PC keyboard game makers have risen to the occasion.

Some PC games are compatible with drivers, but the reality is that most of them are not. Outside the consoles of the living room, the keyboard is the controller. Players not only use them to write messages in the chat. They allow them to get just the right camera angle in a simulation title like Planet Coaster. They offer a fast way to get around in games like Quantum Break. Great game keyboards are essential for any well-planned gaming PC setup.

With more people willing to spend money on a gaming PC to get the best pictures, PC makers of keyboard games are expanding their lines and improving their offerings. They have refilled their hardware with LED lights so you can easily identify the keys you need in the dark. Some of them have built-in cable management systems to keep desks organized and elegant.

Here are the keyboards of 5 PC games to improve your settings.

The best keyboards for PC gaming: Razer Turret

Everyone wants the desktop gaming experience, but what about the living room? An increasing number of tweaks have a TV in the mix, with the entire room becoming a great place to experience the best PC games has to offer. For configurations like that, the Razer turret is perfect.

The Razer Turret is completely wireless, with a mouse and keyboard that fit a dock and the last four months on a single charge. A folding area that extends from the right edge of the keyboard gives you a place to navigate with the mouse. There is an optional USB adapter, but the whole combination can also talk to PCs via Bluetooth. This keyboard has chicklit style keys.

The Razer tower costs $ 159.99.

The best keyboards for PC gaming: Logitech G610

The Logitech G series of gaming accessories has established a solid following in recent years, and the Logitech G610 is a great example of why it happened. Behind each key is a red Cherry MX mechanical switch. Logitech says the switch is quieter and the surface lasts longer than the rubber keyboards.

Built-in media controls prevent you from having to quit your game. Each of the keys has white backlight that users can customize through the keyboard software. You can press several keys at a time to get a fair combo. The fins on the bottom allow you to change the height of the keyboards.

With $ 119.99, the Logitech G610 Orion is not the cheapest PC gaming keyboard available, but it has a mix of the right features and sleek design, the latter of which is not always the norm in the gaming world .

The best keyboards for PC gaming: Razer Ornata Chroma

For chrome ornata, Razer was installed in medium height keys supported by membrane and mechanical switches. Each key on the entire keyboard can shine, creating millions of combinations for you to choose. You can go for the lighting style of the entire keyboard, or simply set the keys you need to enjoy your game.

A dedicated wrist pad and numeric keypad make this a very comfortable keyboard to use. Macro-recording allows you to decide which keys you want to perform the actions in your games.

The Razer Ornata Chroma costs $ 99.99.

The best keyboards for PC gaming: Logitech G710 Plus Blue

The Cherry MX switches that hide behind the other Logitech PC gaming keyboards are hidden behind the Logitech G710 Plus mechanisms. What's more, there is a dedicated line of G keys that players can customize by themselves.

The legs allow users to support the keyboard for maximum comfort. A removable headrest helps comfort. The dedicated media controls on the right corner of the keyboard allow you to pause and jump with ease. Smartly, the Logitech G710 Plus Blue has an integrated USB port. As such, you do not need to run your headphones and the mouse directly to your PC. You can run them and save yourself some cable organization.

The best keyboards for PC gaming: Corsair K70 Lux

The Corsair K70 Lux also has USB ports of passage. It also has a lot of media controls. The area of ​​the cushioned wrist joins with some key plugs with rubber cover. The software provided with the keyboard makes the assignment of specific keys for different actions easy. The body of the Corsair K70 Lux is made of aluminum for a stylish look and high-end finish.

Buyers can choose whether they want blue or red lighting behind their keys.

Nvidia Launches GeForce GTX 1050 and 1060 Indie Bundle

Nvidia enthusiasts may have been a bit disappointed with the green package giveaway package announced again in November. A promotional package covering only the costly Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 and 1080 graphics cards provided a download code for Ubisoft's new Watch Dogs 2 game on the PC.

With the recently available GeForce GTX 1050, 1050 Ti and 1060 cards, Nvidia has released a package for buyers of these mid-low-end graphics cards. Buyers of these "best value" cards can enjoy their selection of one of the following indie game titles, for free:
  • Corn by Finish Line Games - Corn is a first-person adventure game about what happens when two scientists misinterpret a memorandum from the United States Government and create smart cereals. And that last sentence is more or less the least ridiculous of the game.
  • Redout by 34BigThings - Redout is a tribute to old racing monsters like F-Zero, WipeOut, Rollcage and POD. It is designed to be an uncompromising, fast, resilient and satisfying driving experience steeped in that dizziness that lies at the heart of the arcade racing genre.

  • Raw Data by Survios - Constructed from scratch for VR, Raw Data action combat gameplay, intuitive controls, challenging enemies and science fiction atmosphere will immerse you in the surreal environments of Eden Corp. Come alone or team and become the Adrenaline Heroes loaded with their own futuristic technothriller. (We recommend a GTX 1060 for Raw Data and also requires a HTC Live).

Remember that you get only one of the indie games above. Nvidia wrote to HEXUS about the new promotion and claims that all its indie game titles options were "praised by the community during their respective development and early access." The games on offer offer something for everyone, added Nvidia

As usual, this is a limited-time contract (ending Jan. 30, or as long as the code supplies last) and you must purchase qualifying products from Nvidia or one of its associated distributors. For products, you can choose discrete graphics cards or desktop or laptop computers with these preinstalled GPUs. Several countries around the world can participate in this promotion. These are the United Kingdom, Portugal, Israel, Romania, Hungary, South Africa and Greece

The best S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl setting for max FPS

We found ourselves in the best Stalker 2 setting for your PC to balance image quality and fps. Since Stalker 2's level has been achi...