Wednesday, August 23, 2017

5 other major PC games that could find on Xbox One

Here is a list of titles with established fan bases that are almost guaranteed to make a splash on Xbox One if they are ported to the console. Keep in mind that this is purely speculative and the author's imagination, but not completely out of the question.


With Halo Wars to find an audience among Xbox consumers and even win a sequel, Microsoft should have no problem convincing Blizzard to launch a series of real-time StarCraft strategy on Xbox One - preferably StarCraft recently released: Remastered and even StarCraft II.

This could be a great way to break the console in the Asian markets because the game is still popular in the sports industry, especially in South Korea. A presence in the tournament kit could help extend the global reach of Xbox.


Total War: Warhammer is one of the most critically acclaimed games of the past year and its sequel, entitled Total War: Warhammer 2, is scheduled to air next month. This is the best-selling Total War game ever recorded, with half a million copies sold in the first days on sale. The most important is that three parties are planned, which means that there will be more sales in the future.

While Total War is a turn-based strategy and a tactical franchise in real-time with a larger target audience on PC than on console, Microsoft could allow cross-platform games if the title referred to the Xbox One. This could be a great way to provide a buffer between the ever more serious threat of PC games.


If PlayStation has Undertale, Xbox should have Dream Daddy. Probably the most talked about Steam game this year (next to the PlayerUnknown battlefields), this visual novel Game Grumps spirits should be worn as a lover of the natural crowd. After all, with so many online fans sharing OTP and even the game already, this is a game that the console players would be eager to see about all the media beats.

By the way, the simulation type of encounters has its place on the console, as Hatoful Boyfriend has enjoyed great success from its ports to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita a few years later. It is also a very talkative game about Steam during this period.


Hearthstone is halfway to access the Xbox One. Just take the first jump from Microsoft Windows. Although this free collector game of Blizzard games online is not commented on as it once was, rest assured that it still has a huge fan base, with 70 million players in May this year.

If Microsoft is concerned with capturing more than market exports, look no further than Hearthstone, as the stock is estimated at $ 20 million per month. A partnership with Blizzard could do wonders for the Xbox brand and make it more modern in the game ecosystem today.


One can not even imagine how a crowd of people would react if Cloud Imperium Games was on stage at one of Microsoft's press conferences and announced that Star Citizen would come exclusively to Xbox One X. Although developers said before that A major obstacle hindering the ports of the game console Are technological prowess, the latest version of Xbox may be the first home system capable of performing it.

Think about it from a commercial point of view. Having Star Citizen on Xbox One X would bring together a fabulous advertisement for upgrading the middle generation and would encourage more people to check it out. Seeing how Star Citizen has not exhausted itself by the media that beat around it, the game is almost guaranteed to sell well, and Microsoft should act quickly to not lose an excellent opportunity.

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